Monday, May 18, 2009


Ok.  Unlike the other secrets of Nankan, that I, you know, enjoyed discovering, this one could have just stayed hidden.  I am referring to my (very) recent encounter with an unwelcome house guest - a spider.  Walk into the toilet room and there it is on the wall near the window, hanging out.  Bigger than the size of a half dollar if you include the legs (which I do for any spiders other than danny long-legs).  

I surprised myself, I didn't scream.  I think I said Oh My God and started breathing like I just ran for 20 minutes.  

Since I don't mind spiders if they're outside and keep their distance (I mean, they do eat other bugs you know?) I decided to try and 'save' it.  I opened the window and tried to 'help' it outside. But it didn't like that idea and it started coming towards me with alarming speed (in a room about 4 feet squared) and I swatted it.  I swatted it good.  It curled up in a little ball and didn't try to move again as I picked it up on the swatter and threw it out the window.  But you know, spiders are really good at playing dead, so it might be alright.  I didn't see it's brains or anything and all the limbs were attached.

I'll tell you one thing: I don't know if I'll ever have to pee again.


Anonymous said...

At least you haven't been visited by my favorite house cucaracha :)

kati kyushu said...

Oh yes I have! I've had four or so thus far. One medium size, three smaller, like the ones we had in our apartment in SLP. I also had one that got killed right next to my sliding door from the insecticide I put there. And last night I had what may have been a really big one that was on my screen door. I blasted it right in the face with killer, but I don't know if it died.

Apparently by the end of the month they will fly.

Anonymous said...

You will enjoy this Kate...I just took Otis on a late night walk around our neighborhood and I saw no fewer than 15-20 cockroaches as I was walking. Just scurrying around in the street like little d-bags. It was so disgusting. Thank God for Cathy, our Orkin lady or they would be in our house right now.